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I filed my lawsuit against FedEx not just because I had to for what they did to me and allowed to ​happen to me in my workplace, but because it was RIGHT.


Without a surplus of Direct Evidence in the form of numerous Audio ​Recordings, Witnesses, Written Documentation, etc; I probably wouldn’t ​have done it.

Without knowing without a doubt that the law is on my side; I probably ​wouldn’t have done it.

Without my statute of limitations nearing expiration deadlines; I probably ​wouldn’t have done it.

Without my original attorney having to be hospitalized due to ​complications from cardiovascular issues; I probably wouldn’t have done it ​(But, that was the one part of all of this that no one could have avoided).

I probably would not have done something so scary and unthinkable for ​me. Sue a huge corporation on my own? Going forth as a Pro Se Litigant ​and suing Federal Express without a lawyer has been both an empowering ​and frightening experience, but because I know my rights and how my ​former employer, FedEx violated those rights, I am inspired to do this ​afraid and against the odds.

What I endured from FedEx broke something in me. It broke my peace. My spirit. My trust in people. My ​trust in authority. It took away my ability to live life without anxiety attacks. My life before migraines. My ​life before crying spells from grief and distress. My life before PTSD symptoms which I was able to identify ​through therapy . My resolve about how having good work ethic would be my saving grace in workplace ​situations. It hindered my life, my mental health, my income, my time.

I want my nightmare experience of employer retaliation involving denial ​of promotions, prolonged infliction of mental anguish, emotional distress, ​psychological abuse/gaslighting, character assassination/defamation, and ​bribery to hopefully empower and encourage those who are also ​victimized employees of corporations who use their power to abuse those ​on their payroll (and formerly on their payroll) in every way.

For nearly two years I worked at FedEx. The location I worked at was in ​the luxury resort in Grapevine, TX which was picturesque at first sight ​and a hidden nightmare behind the facade of marble floors, chandeliers, ​ballrooms, and lovely views of the lake that surrounded the vast property.

I wanted to grow at FedEx. It was my goal. As a then 25-year-old graduate ​student I saw opportunities and ways to flourish especially in this ​particular location where I felt I had opportunity to BOTH grow as a ​proud FedEx employee; as well as the opportunity to develop as a reliable ​FedEx employee in a high demand location where (seemingly) it would ​matter to rise to all of the challenges. Then it all started to fall apart taking ​my mental health with it...

...when a white female team member (we’ll call her Harassing Coworker - “K”) was hired a while after me. ​As soon as this new team member arrived she would make it a point - as if it was an amusing sport - to ​maliciously stalk, torment, bully, sabotage me, then escalate to multiple occurrences of unwanted touching, ​acts of physical aggression, and acts of physical intimidation that included charging at me and invading my ​personal space while giving me a hostile interrogation.

Because I believed FedEx would honor their own strict company policies against Workplace Harassment, ​Workplace Violence, and Workplace Discrimination, I was confident that they would surely help ​me...SILLY ME...and I reported the acts of harassment to my direct FedEx supervisors and district level ​FedEx HR.

This is how they responded:

On November 2, 2022 - My FedEx District Manager (we’ll call him “CR”) told me that I was required to ​endure and tolerate escalating discriminatory harassment, abuse, workplace violence, and work in more ​close, frequent, and isolated proximity with my Harassing Coworker - “K” or else he had…

“NO NEED” for me.

On September 9, 2022 - My FedEx Store Manager (we’ll call him “JH”) told me that he had “been through ​this type of situation before” and that he knew that, “…It [the violent, persistent workplace harassment] ​was NOT going to stop.” He shrugged, “There’s nothing we [FedEx] can do about it.”

On October 17, 2022 - My FedEx Store Manager - “JH” told me that there were only “TWO OPTIONS”

OPTION #1 - Continue to report about the ongoing Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment and ​I would definitely face forcible transfer or having my hours and pay reduced.

OPTION #2 - Never report about the workplace violence and workplace harassment again he told me ​verbatim, “even if it doesn’t stop just learn to let it roll off like water off a duck’s back...It comes down to ​do you want it [the harassment] to bother you or not? Let's say it doesn’t stop? It comes down to those ​two options…YOU HAVE TO AQUIRE SOME THICKER SKIN…You just haven’t been as exposed to a ​variety of people!


On November 2, 2022 - When I explained how alarming and unsettling the stalking event by my Harassing ​Coworker - “K” had been for me and another African-American team member, District Manager - “CR” ​ignored it completely by immediately changing the subject, laughing about the logo on my face mask. “CR” ​then shrugged and told me, “Well, you’re not going to like everyone you work with.”

When I begged Store Manager - “JH” to understand that I was literally becoming AFRAID of my ​Harassing Coworker - “K” for exhibiting signs of “a hostile fixation on me”...He balked and laughed in ​my face telling me, “Well YOU have a fixation on her fixation!”....Yeah, more gaslighting.

This was STILL nowhere near where the nightmare ended.

FedEx District Manager - “CR” had more in store for me to suffer with as a punishment for speaking out ​and speaking up for myself and doing the forbidden act of exercising my legal civil rights by participating in ​a protected activity reporting workplace harassment, discrimination, and employer retaliation.

He DEFAMED me - with FedEx HR - to my coworkers to further silence, isolate, humiliate, discredit, and ​harm me.

On December 29, 2022 and January 28, 2023, the truth of the defamation was revealed when both of my Assistant Managers made it clear to me that when District Manager “CR” and FedEx HR talked to them about the reason for my repeated HR complaints were merely because…


On August 1, 2022 Store Manager told me verbatim, “The HR stuff, That has to STOP.” He said considered it a sign of “MATURITY” for me to NOT report anymore discrimination, harassment, or abusive conduct complaints to him or to HR and that this show of "MATURITY" was PERTINENT to me getting any promotions at FedEx...which is BRIBERY.

My reputation had been deliberately destroyed. I was being bribed to relinquish my civil rights ALL while ​STILL being harassed. Harassing Coworker - “K” was allowed to freely continue, had excuses made for ​her violent tormenting! I was one who was vilified! I was devastated. Overwhelmed. Broken. Horrified.

I decided it was WAY past time to report my Predator Employer to the EEOC which opened a charge to ​investigate FedEx for their violations of federal discrimination and retaliation laws against me.

I also reported my supervisors “CR” and “JH” to FedEx Human Resources Headquarters in Memphis, TN.

Months later....on May 18, 2023 (after FedEx submitted falsified information to the EEOC regarding the ​charges), FedEx Headquarters responded to my internal complaint regarding the retaliation I was ​experiencing from my supervisors “CR” and “JH” in Grapevine, TX....FedEx stated in a letter to me that ​regardless of what I was facing in my workplace nothing would be done about it. They considered ​everything to be FINE and I was to continue on working in a violent, hostile, unsafe environment where ​retaliation was being used tear me down.

I was on the brink of a complete mental breakdown at this point from what being allowed to happen to me ​and the letter from FedEx Headquarters was THEM telling ME I was no longer welcome.

This letter made it very clear they had no intentions of making it stop. None of it.

I was Constructively Discharged by FedEx.

A long wait was ahead of me to learn that the EEOC would rule in my favored...concluding their ​investigation of FedEx by issuing me the Right-to-Sue letter on February 7, 2024.

After many long months of trying to mend myself back together emotionally, psychologically, and ​financially, while teaching myself how to fight this legal fight against FedEx, I quickly learned how common ​my circumstances at this company really are not only for black women, but employees of all walks of life. I ​feel driven to use what I have learned to help other employees and maybe in the process raise awareness ​about the cruel force I have come to call....

Predator Employers.